Butterfly Processing Library for GPUs

Library Source

August 19th, 2016

The source code of BPLG is available for public download. The library can be easily compiled using the included Makefile on Linux platforms. An automatic benchmark is included.


  • NVIDIA CUDA SDK 5.0 or higher.
  • GPU with at least CUDA capabilities 3.0.
  • Only 64-bit operating systems are officially supported.


The BPLG library is available under the GPL license v3.


2018-12-11: BPLib
Second public release: some bugs were fixed. The library code is contained on alg/lib-BPLG folder. Also, a Makefile is provided for installing the library on Linux platforms. Just modify the Makefile.inc for establishing your CUDA_ARCH and default directories. Furthermore, the BPLib.cpp shows an example of how to use the library for benchmarking.

GAC University of A Coruña